Event Logo Image

Thank you for registering early! As the event gets closer, we will be reaching out for guest names and meals choices!

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Leadership Champion (20 included) Sold Out
0 Remaining

Accelerate opportunities for 2,000+ youth leaders with scholarships, experiential learning, mentoring, and much more!

Nashua PAL's Night of Champions Presented by Nashua Patrolman's Association.

Education Champion (20 included) Sold Out
0 Remaining

Sponsor 100 kids in a full year of Academic Achievers

Nashua PAL Youth Champion Awards Presented by NorthPoint Construction.

Athletic Champion (20 included)
1 Remaining

Sponsor 100 scholarships for youth athletes

  • "Nashua PAL's Night of Champions Gala Cocktail Hour Brought to You by "Your Company/Family""
  • Recognition on Invitations & Save the Date
  • Event Press Release Recognition with Opportunity to Add a Quote
  • 2 Tables (20 tickets) at the Night of Champions, plus 20 Tickets to VIP Cocktail Hour, with Signage on Your Tables
    "Sponsored by Your Company/Family"
  • Recognition as "Proud PAL Supporter" at 2 Additional PAL Events
  • Logo Placement on Event Materials & Acknowledgement During Program
  • E-Blast Recognition (2k monthly reach) in PAL Newsletter
  • Social Media Recognition (16,000+ Reach) - Exclusive Posts
  • Recognition on Event Website & on Nashua PAL Website for 1 Year - Prominent Logo & Link
  • Photo Opportunity & Tour of the PAL Youth Safe Haven
  • Youth Awardee Recognition Poster Sponsor & Opportunity to Create a Custom Congratulations Message
  • Sponsors Youth Awardee & Their Family/Friends at PAL Youth Champion Awards

Afterschool Champion (10 included) $0.00

Provide a full year of afterschool programming to 5 kids

  • Event Press Release Recognition
  • 1 Table (10 tickets) at the Night of Champions, plus 10 Tickets to VIP Cocktail Hour, with Signage on Your Table "Sponsored by Your Company/Family"
  • Exclusive Opportunity to Name an Event Activity (Cocktail Hour, Silent Auction, Live Auction, etc.)
  • Logo Placement on Event Materials & Acknowledgement During Program
  • Recognition as "Proud PAL Supporter" at 1 Additional PAL Event
  • E-Blast Recognition (2k monthly reach) in PAL Newsletter
  • Social Media Recognition (12,000+ Reach)
  • Recognition on Event Website & on Nashua PAL Website for 1 Year - Prominent Logo & Link
  • Photo Opportunity & Tour of the PAL Youth Safe Haven
  • Youth Awardee Recognition Poster Sponsor & Opportunity to Create a Custom Congratulations Message
  • Sponsors Youth Awardee & Their Family/Friends at PAL Youth Champion Awards

Mentor Champion (10 included) $0.00

Fund 50 educational and fun activities for mentors and kids

  • 1 Table (10 tickets) at the Night of Champions with Signage on Your Table "Sponsored by Your Company/Family"
  • Logo Placement on Event Materials & Acknowledgement During Program
  • Recognition as "Proud PAL Supporter" at 1 Additional PAL Event
  • Social Media Recognition (10,000+ Reach)
  • Recognition on Event Website - Logo & Link
  • Youth Awardee Recognition Poster Sponsor & Opportunity to Create a Custom Congratulations Message
  • Sponsors Youth Awardee & Their Family/Friends at PAL Youth Champion Awards

Summer Champion (4 included) $0.00

Send 2 school buses full of kids on summer adventures

  • 4 tickets to the Night of Champions
  • Logo Placement on Event Materials & Acknowledgement During Program
  • Social Media Recognition (10,000+ Reach)
  • Recognition on Event Website - Logo
  • Opportunity to Create a Custom Congratulations Message
  • Sponsors Youth Awardee & Their Family/Friends at PAL Youth Champion Awards

Community Champion (2 included) $0.00

Support a youth-lead community service project

  • 2 tickets to the Night of Champions
  • Recognition on Event Website - Name

Backpack Champion $0.00

Fill 4 backpacks with school supplies

  • 1 Ticket to the Night of Champions
Registration opens: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Registration closes: Friday, October 11, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Nashua PAL to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Nashua PAL's Night of Champions Gala. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!